Profit 4.0

Track your profitability from a single platform

Profit 4.0, a profitability calculation and reporting platform, allows you to track your changing profitability on a daily basis by consolidating your business data into a single data model. In this way, you can make your income and expense analyses more functional and easily access the results that can be used as a basis for your company's strategic decisions.

Profit 4.0 provides decision-makers with a data model that includes all financial services that make up profitability in banks and offers recommendations based on data that will make income and expense analyses more functional.

A brief overview of the advantages you get with Profit 4.0

  • Consolidate your source system data used in your daily sales and operational activities.

  • Analyze the outcomes that can be used as a basis for strategic decisions with the profitability, balance sheet, income, and expense analysis reports.

  • Obtain profitability rules that strategic users can model.

  • Analyze and increase customer profitability by creating a transparent observation environment.

The value it provides to

Data integration

It ensures that the source system data used during the bank's daily sales and operational activities are consolidated into a single data model.

Daily monitoring

It creates an environment where profitability can be observed at the account and transaction level.

Detailed reports

It shows the results that can be used as a basis for strategic decisions to be taken by banks with profitability, balance sheet, income, and expense analysis reports.

Profitability calculation rules

It enables the creation of profitability rules that strategic users can model.

Customer and account-based profitability

It creates a transparent observation environment for customer representatives, branch managers, and sales personnel, enabling them to analyze and increase customer profitability.



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