Doğan Yatırım Bankası,
Symphony Banking
Doğan Yatırım Bankası has started to manage all its operations safely, efficiently,
and quickly thanks to Symphony Banking, which can be adapted to the needs of
business units and minimizes the margin of error.

The project:
- Meeting all core banking needs through a single platform.
- Establishment of the core banking system that responds rapidly to technological innovations and legislative amendments.
- Putting the automatic crediting system in service where all orchestration is performed by Symphony in the digital environment, making credit evaluation by the system itself.
- Integrated and real-time completion of all treasury transactions with the system without the need to a second application.
- Generating legal reports by creating a central financial data model.
- Preparing legal reports consistently and reliably, following up the scenario-based forms such as TMS (Transaction Monitoring System) and KYC (Know Your Customer) electronically.
- Completing the BRSA (Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency) process in less than 3 months with Symphony Banking, which offers low operational cost and easy integration opportunities.
- Minimizing the margin of error with the central financial data model created by the experienced team in the field of legal reporting and creating a consistent legal reporting structure.
- Thanks to the product and transaction system structure managed from a single point, a design that can adapt fast against market conditions and the demands of legal institutions have been provided.
- Creating an automated decision system with the credit system offered in the digital environment, making fast and accurate decisions with the right data.
- Saving time and costs by integrating treasury operations with the main system.